If you just need an oil change, an entire engine replaced or you have an electrical problem that is driving you crazy, our shop has the solution for your auto maintenance and repair needs. We work on your every day driver whether it may be a domestic or a foreign car or Hybrid in addition to working on all the classics, hot rods and street rods, We also have access to all the newest Technical Service Bulletins for your Vehicle! so if you are experiencing a problem give us a call and we can look it up for you to see if there is a bulletin issued by the Vehicle Manufacturer
91 Ethan Allen Drive
S. Burlington, VT 05403
Conveniently located near the airport, Vermont Custom Auto Service is your best source for professional and reliable service.
- Free 50 Point Safety Inspections with oil change
Diagnosis &
- Computer Diagnostics ~ Snap-on Diagnostic Equipment
- Original Equipment Systems
- Mount & Balance Steel, Mag or Custom Wheels
Free Wi-Fi for your convenience.
7:30 - 5 Monday thru Friday